Wednesday, March 27, 2013

DIY Charlie-style bag with tutorial

My friend, Ashley, sent me a picture of a super cute pocketbook on Etsy that was $42 with the comment "Came across these.... you could definitely make them and I would definitely rather buy from you than some stranger".  Sooo, knowing I had an anxious "customer" already, I found a tutorial I had conveniently already pinned on Pinterest, located some extra fabric I had, and went to work.  It was pretty easy, but it took me about 3 hours just because I misread one part of the instructions and had to rip a few seams out.  I'm sure my next one won't take so long since I know what I'm doing now!  I'll update when I finish hers.  

I made this bag using this tutorial.  I don't think the tutorial specifies the amount of fabric she used though.  I used a little less than a yard (of each print) of the fabric I already had, but when I make the next one, I will buy a yard of each print because I want to try to put pockets in (but FYI it might not be so reversible with pockets).

LOVE IT!!  I had to switch out my current pocketbook immediately!!
Hope you like it too!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think the tutorial specifies the amount of fabric she used though. I used a little less than a yard (of each print) of the fabric I already had, but when I make the next one, customized carrier bags
